This page tells people about our services for children and young people

Our building is accessible for disabled people

Children and young people can choose from lots of fun activities

For more information, parents can phone the Children’s Services Manager on 020 8647 8600

Sutton Mencap offers a range of high quality play and leisure opportunities for children and young people with a learning disability aged 6 and over.

We provide group-based after-school, holiday and Saturday services.  Our children’s groups generally cater for those aged 6 to 14, although we are flexible around age to take account of the specific needs of children.  Our youth groups can take young people up to the age of 19 and provide a specific focus around transition to adulthood and independent living skills.

Services are run from our base in Wallington, which features comfortable lounges, craft and activity areas, a well-equipped sensory room and a secure outdoor play area and garden.  The building also has accessible toilets, a hoist and tracking system, a personal care room, a lift and an accessible kitchen.

We providing a wide range of stimulating and fun activities, including cooking, art, messy play, music and dancing, games, stories and relaxation and sensory experiences.  We are always looking to make use of local community venues and organise outings further afield to increase the range of experiences we can offer.

For the children and young people, these services provide a wide range of fun, play-based experiences alongside friends.  For parents and carers, they provide a break from caring responsibilities in the knowledge that their child is well looked after and having a good time.

Access to services is generally via referral from the London Borough of Sutton Disabled Children’s Service.  For more information contact your social worker or the Short Breaks Team on 020 8770 4690.  Parents can also use direct payments to access the service.  After referral, Sutton Mencap will work with parents to identify appropriate services and level of support required.

Schedule of services for 2023-24
Planned dates for Saturday and holiday services to Summer 2024 are available here.

Schedule of services for 2024-25
Planned dates for Saturday and holiday services to Summer 2025 are available here.

For more information, contact Sutton Mencap’s Children’s Service Manager on 020 8647 8600.

Our service is Ofsted registered.  Registration number EZ 139939